What Charges You? Make It Unique With iCharge-it!

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You were created for an irreplaceable and meaningful purpose in this world. 

But what happens when you don’t feel like that’s true? The year 2020 was tough. And you’ll most likely agree that 2021 hasn’t been much easier.  

It’s tempting to start doubting your purpose and wondering if your goals and dreams will reach fruition. When the world is at a standstill, it’s pretty natural to feel stuck, too.

The +[iCharge-it!]- team wants to light you up and super-charge your battery by having influencer and artist Daniella share a quick story of something that happened this year amid much chaos. 

This incident reminded her that we’re all SO much more talented, equipped, and qualified than we think. 

“Earlier this year, out of the blue I got asked by a well known musician in Nashville to play a show with them,” Daniella says. 

“As excited as I was, I was also ridden with anxiety at the thought of performing with such a well-known artist after being quarantined for a year and not playing any shows. Over the next few days, my anxiety took over and I could barely control my thoughts, overwhelmed by doubting if I was ‘good enough’ and if I really could hold my own at such a big show. 

“I almost backed out, but kept thinking about the regret I’d have if I didn’t say yes to this opportunity. After all, my dream is to become a successful singer / songwriter. So I decided to go through with it, anxiety and all. 

“I went, played the gig, did my best, but left wishing I would have done a bit better, over-analyzing my performance. You know, being really hard on myself. A few days later I got a message from the venue booking manager letting me know that I was her favorite performer that’s ever played at her venue. 

“Do you know how many amazing artists have played there? I was shocked! She said she appreciated my kindness and genuineness and would love to book me again. In that moment, I was reminded that we are so much more than what we ‘do’ – who we ‘are’ and how we treat other people is far more powerful.”

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And Daniella’s story is equally as powerful. 

 So next time you start to doubt your abilities or your purpose, remember  two things:

You are much more qualified, equipped, and talented than you think you are.

Who you are will take you further in this life than what you do.

These types of stories fueled our mission to design something unique in things that typically go unnoticed or don’t show personality – portable phone charges. 

Our portable phone chargers are a representation of your uniqueness, with our patina magnets, that wear differently with every individual, almost like a fingerprint. 

With 18 different charms to choose from, we hope you feel inspired to choose one that represents YOU and your individuality. 

And just like in life when you feel like you don’t have any charge left in you to keep going, our chargers will take your phone from 0 to 100 quickly, to remind you that you’ve got what it takes.

Thanks for reading! Here’s a little something extra for you:

Use code BLOG10 for 10% off your +[iCharge-it!]- portable charger today.


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